How are we created,
How exactly is our nature,
I still don't understand humans,
I mean I still can't even figure myself out.
When we are given peace, we selfishly destroy it.
When we are given love, we purposely misuse it
and when we are offered kindness, we brutally take advantage of it.
How confusing is this nature?
They treat each other like enemies,
forgetting that they are all humans and that they need each other.
They see all good things as bad things,
and their believes separates them from everything wonderful.
If only I knew why humans are humans,
I wish to understand them more,
I wish to see what's in their brains, and fix it.
Tell someone, they can do anything and they won't know what to do.
But tell someone what they can't do,
and they will know what exactly they want to do.
Writer: Foibeh Paavo